Listed below are few of the interesting facts which you din't knew about THE TECH CZAR - STEVE JOBS (Co-Founder OF APPLE INC.)
Fact #1 Steve Jobs has Syrian roots.
After his birth in San Francisco to an American woman and a Syrian man he was given up for Adoption.
Fact #2 Atari and HP Turned Jobs Down.
Atari and Hewlett-Packard both turned down start-up funding requests from Jobs in the day:.So we went to Atari and said, ‘Hey, we’ve got this amazing thing, even built with some of your parts, and what do you think about funding us? Or we’ll give it to you. We just want to do it. Pay our salary, we’ll come work for you.’ And they said, ‘No.’ So then we went to Hewlett-Packard, and they said, ‘Hey, we don’t need you. You haven’t got through college yet.’
Fact #3 Jobs likes Bill Gates
When interviewed live with Bill Gates Steve Jobs made friendly comments on their relationship referencing their long term “marriage”
"In terms of an inspirational leader, Steve Jobs is really the best I have ever met," said former Microsoft Chairman and Chief Architect, Bill Gates in January 1998 when asked to name the CEO he most admired.
"He's got a belief in excellence of products. He's able to communicate that," said Gates.
Fact #4
Jobs was a fruitarian
The name Apple was chosen because Apples were Steves favourite food at the time.
According to Jim Carlton, author of 'Apple: The Inside Story of Intrigue, Egomania, and Business Blunders', Steve Jobs chose the name Apple for his company because he admired Beatles' Apple Records. Beatles first began using an image of a Green Granny Smith apple on their recordings in the late 1960s. Apple's logo shows an image of the fruit with a bite taken out of it.
The choice led to a legal battle with Beatle's Apple Corp. Apple Corps is owned by Beatle band members Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr and John Lennon's widow Yoko Ono. The two sides settled the dispute in February 2007.
Fact #5 He’s not dead Bloomberg
Bloomberg mistakenly published his 17 page obituary (29-08-2008 ) briefly before the mistake was rectified.
Fact #6 He’s an ex Hippie
In his informative years Jobs travelled to India. Barefoot and threadbare he spent some months on the hippie trail in India, ’60s style.
Fact #7 Jobs paid $10m for Pixar
Mr Jobs purchased the computer division of Lucasfilm (of Starwars fame) in 1986 for $10 million and incorporated it independently as Pixar. Later Disney bought Pixar for $7.5 billion
Fact #8 His catchphrases are…-:
He favorite catch phrases are: “Un-be-lievable”; “Mere mortals”; “It’s huge” & “Wouldn’t it be great”. He tells the story and sells the dream, this character trait is common amongst successful entrepreneurs.
Fact #9 He’s got huge feet
Steve has big feet, size 14 big. Perhaps he went barefoot in India because he couldn’t find any oversize shoes!
Fact #10 $1: Steves annual salary
As the Chairman and CEO of Apple Computers, he pays himself an annual salary of $1 per year.
His compensation came to spotlight when the company gifted him a Gulfstream airplane in 2001. He was awarded 10 million shares of restricted stock in 2003.
Fact #11 Lazy parking habits
Some people are obsessionalabout catching Steve parking in Handicap spaces. Steve, you may have changed the world with your computers but you still can’t illegally park!
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